by karen | Spiral Daily |
How many magical things have landed in your hand this week? If we are too busy, unfocused, and agitated it’s impossible to see those magical people, opportunities, and thoughts trying to land in our lives. Two suggestions to help catch the magic:: Expect good...
by karen | Uncategorized |
What is your “dog”? [vimeo][/vimeo] Listen or read the subtiltes! And, consider walking “with” your fear! Develop Power with Grace. Asking thoughtful questions is one aspect. The best questions foster...
by karen | Spiral Daily, Uncategorized |
What if, you considered your next difficult decision as an experiment, rather than a permanent choice? Being well informed and trying something new is how innovation evolves. If you wait until you are 100% certain of the right direction your life ticks by with you...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How can you smooth sail? [vimeo][/vimeo] Happy Sailing this week! Develop Power with Grace. Asking thoughtful questions is one aspect. The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence...