Ahhh…Yes!   Got Momentum?

Ahhh…Yes! Got Momentum?

The wheels of change continue to turn, how is that going for you?  For me, it feels odd to be physically around people again.  I am reminded of my momentum wheel.  I find the awareness of this helpful, smoothing the turbulence of change! Change, conflict, and...

Spiral Question

What can a simple “Ouch” accomplish? Have you ever been in a situation where someone’s behavior or words are incredibly hurtful and insensitive? Several years ago I was on a not-for-profit work team.  We were all volunteers.  There was one woman who...
What Highway Styles are on Your Team?

What Highway Styles are on Your Team?

Recently, I had the delight of taking a long-distance road trip.  For me the road is a canvas for thinking and dreaming. The Zen saying, “How you do anything is how you do everything,” came to mind as I noticed drivers’ varied strategies on the highway.  The parallels...

Spiral Question

What is it like being in the flow? I believe this is a natural state that you can create or choose. The key is to recognize when you are stuggling to make something happen. Pause. then: Breathe and center Ask questions & learn Review intent Apply the learning and...