by karen | Spiral Daily |
What can a simple “Ouch” accomplish? Have you ever been in a situation where someone’s behavior or words are incredibly hurtful and insensitive? Several years ago I was on a not-for-profit work team. We were all volunteers. There was one woman who...
by karen | blog, Momentum, performance improvement, teams |
What is the sound ot team alignment? This fascinates me. One of the thrills of my work is to hear the shift from discord to alignment. An aligned team hums with a varied pitch, much like the steady easy sound of a stream. When resistance comes up it is more easily...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What is it like being in the flow? I believe this is a natural state that you can create or choose. The key is to recognize when you are stuggling to make something happen. Pause. then: Breathe and center Ask questions & learn Review intent Apply the learning and...