Spiral Question

Want to create something new? What needs to be cleared to make space? It’s spring! Time to pull out weeds and make space for creativity!   Weeds represent thoughts and actions not aligned with our intentions.   This photo is from Holliday Park....

The Pivot Paradox

Ouch! Ever been slammed by a swinging door?  If so, you’ve experienced the downside of a pivot.  It can hurt and make you feel stupid! In the martial arts, if you pivot away from a punch it will save you.  However, unless you add another move, you’re likely to get...

Would you do me a favor?

What do the words Power with Grace conjure up for you? You are my most valued reader, would you do me a favor? What do the words “Power with Grace” conjure up for you? I am doing some informal reserch for a project!     Develop Power with Grace. ...

What if you invited the opposite?

What if you invited the opposite?   In my experience it helps me get clearer and better. In matters of innovation this is a way to create innovative conflict. Be conscious about it, open to it. Invite the contrarian! Asking doesn’t mean you’ll change;...