Ahh….YES!  Boxes or Bridges?

Ahh….YES! Boxes or Bridges?

What is easy in the moment – judgment, separation, and even condemnation – is actually more difficult and costly in the medium and long-run. While division is playing out overtly big time in our nation – division can happen on a covert scale in the workplace and our...
When your English Professor Reviews your Book!

When your English Professor Reviews your Book!

A very special thank you to Dr. Tierney for a deep, insightful, and educational review of the Black Belt Edition of Spiral Impact! REVIEW OF SPIRAL IMPACT: The Power to Get It Done with Grace, Karen Valencic (Black Belt Edition, 2020 Indianapolis, Niche Pressworks....

Spiral Question

How does your next action or thought maintain or increase your vitality? and, the vitality of those around you. I want to live fully the minutes I have left in this life. What if, you checked-in at each transition point in your day and asked that question? If your...

Spiral Question

To what small but consistent efforts are you committed? While dreams are essential, They are achieved with consistent steps – particularly during the plateaus. Overnight success can take years in the making – one small step after another is how great...
Virtual Aikido Class

Virtual Aikido Class

Aikido is a martial art. Its intent is different than many martial arts because it trains us to protect our attacker’s life as well as our own. The power in aikido comes from blending, or moving with, the opponent’s energy rather than against.  This...