Spiral Question

What is in plain sight you don’t see? I’ve been fascinated with Redwood Trees for most of my life. This Dawn Redwood is at Holliday Park near my home. I’ve walked past it hundreds, if not thousands, of times and never noticed. It even has a big sign...
Ahh…Yes!  The Best and Only Assumption to Make

Ahh…Yes! The Best and Only Assumption to Make

The best and only assumption you can make is: You don’t really understand other people, even if you think you know them well.   This applies to other races, cultures, genders, and big time to the people closest to you.  Any other assumption you make is likely...

When is removing improving?

When is removing improving? I’ve been clearing honeysuckle out of my woods, again .  I love how it allows the light to filter through the trees! I’ve also been removing old files from my office and my computer desktop. I removed the fat from the top of my...
Ahhh…Yes!  What Controls You?

Ahhh…Yes! What Controls You?

“Please control me,” said no one, ever.  Major disruption magnifies the feeling of being controlled, as it seems the outer world also wants to control, or consume, us.  Anything that has been an annoyance in ‘normal’ times is amplified.   Can you relate to any of...