Spiral Question

What do you need to cut through to focus? I feel a little nervous sharing this as it’s not perfect, though in that is the pull to share – this video as a visual image of focus. My art, aikido, is grounded in Japanese sword. One gift of sword practice is it...

Spiral Daily

Who is the absolutely best company? YOU! Open the door to your center. When you are centered you enjoy yourself and others. If you are not centered, you leave your true self out and are more likely to get caught up in the negativity of others. Your thoughts? As a new...

Spiral Question

What do you feed your mind? News and drama are addicting. Neuroscientists get the impact of negative images and news on our mind. This is something I continue to be more conscious of, though it’s really easy to get sucked into the news cycle. What do do instead?...

Spiral Question

What is one good way to tame self-doubt? Stop comparing yourself to others. Compare yourself to who you were last week or last year. Not to anyone else. Love this quote: “Comparison is the death of joy.” – Mark Twain And this one too! “A person who doubts...

Spiral Question Annoyed 3

What gifts does annoyance give us? #3 of 3 Annoying people can be so annoying! Though what if instead you recognized the annoyance as a guide & reflection for yourself? Begin with people aren’t annoying their behavior can be! This is #3 in a three part...