by karen | Spiral Daily |
What gifts does annoyance give us? #2 of 3 Annoying people can be so annoying! Though what if instead you recognized the annoyance as a guide & reflection for yourself? To begin with, people aren’t annoying, their behavior can be! This is #2 in a three part...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What gifts does annoyance give us? #1 of 3 Annoying people can be so annoying! Though what if instead you recognized the annoyance as a guide & reflection for yourself? To begin with, people aren’t annoying their behavior can be! This is #1 in a three part...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How do you put the world back together? One night a father was relaxing with newspaper in hand after a long day in the office. His son, who wanted to play, kept on pestering him. Finally, fed up, the father ripped out a picture of the “world globe” (map in my photo)...