Spiral Question – Annoyed 2

What gifts does annoyance give us? #2 of 3 Annoying people can be so annoying! Though what if instead you recognized the annoyance as a guide & reflection for yourself? To begin with, people aren’t annoying, their behavior can be! This is #2 in a three part...
My mom’s secret to winning

My mom’s secret to winning

“I won Friday’s bridge game!” my mom exclaimed with competitive excitement. Then, she let me in on her secret. “I re-read my book the night before.” My mom, a bridge expert, has taught hundreds of people this complex card game. She authored a booklet several years ago...

Spiral Question

What gifts does annoyance give us? #1 of 3 Annoying people can be so annoying! Though what if instead you recognized the annoyance as a guide & reflection for yourself? To begin with, people aren’t annoying their behavior can be! This is #1 in a three part...

Spiral Question

How do you put the world back together? One night a father was relaxing with newspaper in hand after a long day in the office. His son, who wanted to play, kept on pestering him. Finally, fed up, the father ripped out a picture of the “world globe” (map in my photo)...
Ahhh…Yes! When it doesn’t make sense

Ahhh…Yes! When it doesn’t make sense

If you prefer to listen click my photo or read below! I let myself get tricked – and it’s not yet Halloween!  The following Mailbox Metaphor is something that I witness happening in organizations frequently.  Different subjects – same story. I frequent a USPS...