Next Session June 2021
Spiral Impact
Belt Certification Course
Spiral Impact
Belt Certification Course
A four-level, cadre-driven course for leaders and other professionals committed to bring out the best in themselves and their teams, while staying focused, calm, and in their power during chaos and uncertainty.

Live and Lead with True Power
“True Power requires a calm center, clear intent, and authentic inquiry – moving with situations instead of against them to create easy, honorable momentum.”
— Karen Valencic
Particularly in times of disruption, we can feel overwhelmed — even powerless.
While we can’t control the world around us, we can change how we move through it, how we interact with others, and who we become in the process.
This Belt Certification Program is designed to guide you toward self-mastery by connecting with your own, inner wisdom and give you the tools for navigating personal and group dynamics that influence behavior, impact momentum, and affect growth.
In this course, you’ll learn how to:
- Develop resilience so you can adapt more easily to change
- Transform fear into productive, problem-solving energy
- Dissipate anxiety and overwhelm
- Provide difficult feedback with respect
- Remove resistance, propelling you into innovation
- Cultivate civility, even when differences seem insurmountable
- Initiate and guide discussions around sensitive topics to foster learning and connection
- Strengthen your awareness of your own, internal guidance
- Create and maintain connections at a distance
Step onto the Mat
and Embody True Power
The Spiral Impact Belt Certification Program combines live, online coaching with recorded video content, assigned readings from the book, and 10- to 15-minute independent daily practice sessions — for a total of 25 live, cadre-based group coaching hours and 2+ hours of recorded content.
Each course cadre will consist of participants, who work interdependently and independently to realize course goals. Upon completion of each Belt practice, participants will have demonstrated their proficiency before receiving their certificate and invitation to move to the next Belt level. Black Belt invitees will be certified to teach the Spiral Impact method upon successful completion of that level.

Level 1: Green Belt
Begin by learning the 5 Keys to Spiral Impact and how to integrate and embody them to connect to your True Power. The Green Belt level Involves three months of active engagement on the Private Membership Site. Here for more information

Level 2: Blue Belt
Build on the 5 Keys while learning how to use them to optimize communication for different personality types and belief systems. The Blue Belt level includes 8 hours of coaching and exercises for 15 minutes of daily practice.

Level 3: Purple Belt
Deepen and expand previous learning, as new awareness and opportunities open and skills strengthen. Like the Blue Belt, the Purple Belt level includes 8 hours of coaching and exercises for 15 minutes of daily practice. Dependent on covid status may require travel to Indianapolis, IN.

Level 4: Black Belt
This Mastery Level course offers custom coaching with the goal of training program facilitators and is by invitation only. Black Belt Certification is priced separately due to the nature of its content and purpose.
Why Now?
Why Now?
30 Years of Mastering Conflict
No matter how long you’ve been doing something, there’s always some new horizon, something more to learn. Where’s your edge?
Sign up to get all three Belt Certification intensives
for only $1499!
Who Is Karen Valencic?
Best Selling Author, Karen Valencic is founder of Spiral Impact, a company specializing in conflict mastery and performance improvement.
As a degreed, tenured engineer, Karen’s content is informed by effectiveness and practicality. Thirty years of martial arts practice further brings an artistic flair and power to both her live and online coaching and consulting.
For almost three decades Karen has guided leaders and teams to grow, flourish, and innovate — both personally and professionally — through speaking events, coaching, and consulting.

Spiral Impact’s Roots in Aikido
The way we interact with the people, things, and ideas in our lives either gives us power and influence or takes them away. Embodying what I call True Power requires more than just knowing techniques. You must apply those techniques to the situations that arise in your life, study the outcomes, adjust your actions, and incorporate them into a framework of habits that support you.
Spiral Impact is grounded in the martial art of aikido, which uses True Power — focused energy, knowledge, intention, and support — instead of force, to render an attack harmless. Aikido is brought to life on the mat, where practitioners sharpen their skills, work out frustrations, and own their power. Showing up on the mat gives practitioners a chance to exercise, elevate, and embody their skills.
This Belt Certification Program invites you to step onto the Spiral Impact “mat” to sharpen skills and develop your own True Power — then apply them to your work, life, and relationships.
Get the Book!
The Black Belt Edition of Karen’s Spiral Impact: The Power to Get It Done with Grace is now available — and a best-seller on Amazon!
From the book cover:
In times of accelerated change and disruption, peoples’ lagging ability to adapt opens a Pandora’s box that can result in destructive conflict, burnout, and division. In this Black Belt Edition of Spiral Impact: The Power to Get It Done with Grace, Karen Valencic shares how to bring forth your True Power and master the art of conflict to help you foster collaboration, innovation, and civility. These skills will greatly impact your sense of individual freedom as well as engagement in your life. Karen’s Spiral Impact Method is grounded in physics and the martial art of Aikido, which she blends with three decades of experience working deeply with leaders and teams.
What Amazon readers say about the Spiral Impact Black Belt Edition:
“Excellent guide for improving communication and dealing with conflict in your life!”
“A must-read, even for those that don’t like self-help books.”
“I highly recommend Spiral Impact to executive leadership, middle managers and sales personnel.”
Buy It from Amazon Now!

From Karen’s Clients and Readers
Here’s what people are saying about Spiral Impact.
“The Spiral Impact webinar was one of the best that I have attended to date. The design of the program allowed me time to practice my skills each week and receive personal attention from Karen to keep working on my problem areas. It was extremely helpful and I would recommend it to everyone.”
“Karen provided a number of tools and techniques for how to manage competing priorities within the workplace, creating alignment while remaining calm and balanced. Thank you, Karen and Spiral Impact for these practical and powerful tools.”
“I loved the ways Karen challenged my assumptions. I learned that within assumptions lies a prison that keeps me focused on what I assume to be right without allowing a more fluid approach to consider other possibilities. I’m grateful for our year-long engagement. Her coaching was transforming.”
“Spiral Impact has caused me to pause and realize how some simple changes I can make in my communication can have such a positive impact on outcomes. I like the short story examples the author shares. This is an easy read and one of those books you can pick any page and get valuable insights.”