I hope you and loved ones are well. Here is what’s on my mind lately…


Imagine: puzzle pieces falling everywhere when a jigsaw puzzle is thrown into the air. That is an image that comes to my mind when major disruption happens. Pieces get lost. Past efforts may seem wasted.


Yet, likely new or previously hidden pieces get discovered, or you decide to start over and assemble a different puzzle.


It all takes time and presence to process and (re)assemble.


Like you, I have been making adjustments and adapting to a new norm.  Mostly, I feel inspired, but have my moments too!


“How can I help?” was the first question that came to mind when we first shut down.  Some of you participated in the virtual programming I offered. I hope it was helpful.


I continue to ask myself, “What pieces of the puzzle can I help you find or redefine?”


I’ve assembled a few things below that perhaps might help you with your puzzle pieces and dots (see quote below) as we begin to slowly emerge differently. And, I’ve got more to come.


Virtually here for You, Your Clients, and Teams

Spiral Impact translates virtually very well!
Karen literally zooms onto the scene and engages throughout!

Support your customers and staff
With 30-minute segments over 3-4 weeks or something else
Momentum in times of Disruption
Mastering the Art of Conflict
The Power to Get It Done with Grace
and/or , Professonal and Team Development

Get In Touch Here

Karen’s 3-Tip Short Videos for times of disruption:
Subtitled to read or listen – click here or on the image for the showcase:
  • Authentic Connected Virtual Meetings – learn about the martial bow
  • Your Video Image – From my own learning
  • Dealing with Angry People – lessons from the orange
  • When You are Down – my own bruised but not broken lessons


Centering Practice with Movement, Emotional and Mental Exercises, click here
Increase your calm, presence, and resilience by being the calm eye in the storm.


While I include breathing practice in my Spiral Impact content, my Physical Therapist, Denise Deig, MS, PT shares deep structional instruction. Denise combines PT, Feldenkrais, and Movement Intelligence techniques to improve your Lung Health and Pneumonia prevention Note: there will be a total of 9 Lessons, 6 are there today.