Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Perhaps like me, yours will be different this year too. Despite the adjustments – I am committed to keeping it my favorite Holiday.
When there is change and conflict, Spiral Impacting brings grace to the situation.
Spiral Impact is what I am doing for Thanksgiving!
Try any or all of these five tips to have a grace-filled holiday!
•Be intentional about what is important to you and stay centered on it. For me, it’s a time of appreciation. When times are tough, appreciation keeps my mind and emotions level. Appreciating others and the small things is a good place to begin.
•Ask yourself, “What is different that I might like to continue next year?” “What is different, I never want to repeat?” “What is something I’ve wanted to do that I’ve not had time for in the past?” “What might I do for others?”
•Don’t push yourself unnecessarily. Let go of internal conflict. If being a slug is what you’d prefer, do it! Give yourself a break! You don’t want to go out? Don’t go!
•Practice centering whether it is breathing, a walk in the park, lovely music, a workout, or meditation with the warm glow of a fire or candle.
•Identify your support, who are ‘your people’ or ‘your person’ with whom you can connect? Living alone, I find this important. Even short contact with people on a walk around the block helps feed that need for me. Zoom is such a gift.
What will you add?!
There are many people on this mailing who work in hospitals. I feel lost to find words to express the depth of my appreciation. Thank you so very much for your service. I hope you enjoy the photo below!
I am doing my part by following the guidelines and I hope everyone else does too. Blessings to you.