How can you be certain?

How can you be certain?

“Anyone who is so certain has got to be wrong,” my daughter’s father said upon her birth. You see, I was certain she was going to be a boy. In my mind I had collected enough evidence that to me at the time made it certain. “Certainty” by definition means without...
How can conflict and alignment coexist?

How can conflict and alignment coexist?

It can be tricky – innovation and leading edge performance require both conflict and alignment. In The Innovation Code, Jeff DeGraff states, “…it’s our impulse to resolve or eliminate conflict, in the world of innovation we need to resist that impulse, resist...
Ahh – Yes!  Perspective from Beetles?

Ahh – Yes! Perspective from Beetles?

I hosted a houseguest from Ukraine. Yuti was young and loved camping. As he passed through on his cross-country trips he’d stay here to regroup. Each time he arrived he’d tote in his pot filled with an ongoing version of his oxtail soup. He was generous with his...
Ahh…Yes!  How Agree-ers Harm Innovation

Ahh…Yes! How Agree-ers Harm Innovation

I was invited to serve on a Board of Advisors several years ago. After the second meeting, the president shared with me that my participation was causing him to rethink the name of the board.  I had taken my role as advisor seriously and thought he really wanted...