How do you spiral gratitude?

Spirals are powerful.  Mother Nature has reminded us recently in a pretty big way. While our language is full of negative images about spirals (spiral out of control, downward spiral), a spiral is just power, you decide the direction or application through intention....

3 Magic Words

I went to a treacherous place…talking politics with people of different perspectives.  It went well;   I Spiral Impacted it! Repeating these three magic words made it possible:  Tell me more. These words opened up a fascinating productive dialogue. Coupled with...
Change – Ouch!

Change – Ouch!

Updated from 2013 to 2020! Grrgh!   The coronavirus has dictated a change in how I practice my beloved art, Aikido, for a while now. While frustrating, it has forced me to reconsider the intent of my practice.  My intent is to study relationship, honor, and self. ...

Even water has a goal

Two common life strategies are “going with the flow” and “setting goals.” Over the years, I’ve experimented with both these strategies, neither by itself get results for me. I’ve learned, ultimately, that the best example for living is as a river. The river has a very...