by karen | blog, conflict, teams, Uncategorized |
I just expected entertainment. What I got was a great story about business acumen, conflict resolution and team building from the baseball movie, Moneyball. So often in decision-making, emotions and history cloud the facts hiding the real problem. Brad Pitt plays...
by karen | blog, conflict |
When do you need to replace ‘No’ and ‘Know?’ ‘No’ stops: Innovation Relationships Engagement ‘Know’ opens possibilities and solutions. Don’t you want to ‘know’ about your colleagues, employees, friends, and family thoughts and...
by karen | blog, Uncategorized |
The warm weather lifted my heart this morning. I saw a magnolia tree heavy with blossoms ready to pop. March 8 is certainly a record early bloom! Fooled – the early morning pink light colored a bunch of dead leaves on a tree. No blossoms. My mental/emotional state...
by karen | blog, communication, conflict |
Charlie Todd’s Ted Talk gave me a present moment experience of his point: bring people together through public improv. While watching him on my iPad at the gym I was literally laughing out loud! Suddenly, several people were looking over my shoulder to see what was...
by karen | blog, conflict, performance improvement |
A lovely white decorative fence graces a curve near my home. At least twice a year a car misses the curve and crashes the fence. For 30 years, I’ve witnessed the repeated repair of this fence. With each incident, I think surely they get the message: not a good place...
by karen | blog, performance improvement |
‘Imagination is the True Magic Carpet.’ Norman Vincent Peale Wishing you a holiday filled with magic and dreams come true…. Whether you gather with friends and family, or spend time alone this holiday season, create some magic by sparking your...