by karen | blog, performance improvement |
High Performance Health Care by Jody Hoffer Gittell The key message of this book is if you improve relational coordination you improve quality and efficiency. Relational coordination is the coordination of work through relationships of shared goals, shared knowledge...
by karen | blog, conflict |
This rainy cold weekend was a perfect time to finish reading Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson. Innovation through conflict is at the core of my work. Steve, a genius innovator, intrigues me. Although, it is worth noting, he often lacked the ‘grace’ I advocate. As I...
by karen | blog, Uncategorized |
It is impossible to feel gratitude and anger at the same time. Have a conflict? Look for the gift in it. To find the gift you must look beyond the ‘issue.’ Look for what you fear; there are only two true emotions: love and fear. When you explore the fear there...
by karen | blog, conflict, performance improvement |
Just because you listen, do you really understand? I listened and heard clearly: “She is a bully.” I thought she must intentionally hurt people. I was wrong. When I spiraled and asked, “What is she doing to earn that reputation?” I learned, she is asking people to...
by karen | blog, conflict, intention, performance improvement |
I wove in and out through major road construction as if in a war zone to a client meeting; it is ironic that construction is often is experienced as destruction! As I began our coaching session my client said how giving ‘constructive criticism’ was difficult for her....
by karen | blog, Uncategorized |
Press Release Contact: Karen Valencic 317-257-0684 Hospitals Can Do More with Less Energy, Says Health Care Management Expert Karen Valencic Management Strength Redefined in the New Norm of Chaos and Rapid Change INDIANAPOLIS, November 1, 2011...