Steve Jobs, Conflict and Innovation

This rainy cold weekend was a perfect time to finish reading Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson.   Innovation through conflict is at the core of my work.  Steve, a genius innovator, intrigues me.  Although, it is worth noting, he often lacked the ‘grace’ I advocate. As I...

Gratitude or anger?

It is impossible to feel gratitude and anger at the same time.    Have a conflict?  Look for the gift in it.  To find the gift you must look beyond the ‘issue.’  Look for what you fear; there are only two true emotions:  love and fear. When you explore the fear there...

Is Listening Enough?

Just because you listen, do you really understand? I listened and heard clearly: “She is a bully.”  I thought she must intentionally hurt people. I was wrong. When I spiraled and asked, “What is she doing to earn that reputation?” I learned, she is asking people to...