by karen | blog |
There is a certain irony of how a mask requirement, intended to cover and protect, exposes differences and opportunities for more productive ways to communicate among families, employers, and neighbors. Like most people, I so desire our society to be able to gather...
by karen | blog |
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Perhaps like me, yours will be different this year too. Despite the adjustments – I am committed to keeping it my favorite Holiday. When there is change and conflict, Spiral Impacting brings grace to the situation. Spiral Impact is...
by karen | blog |
Zoom fatigue has quickly become a 2020 mantra. But, just like any communication medium Zoom has the capacity to deplete us OR energize us. I’ve been experimenting with different methods of engagement in Zoom meetings, noticing that my message actually blooms with...
by karen | blog |
Master Conflict. Be More Free. The most Googled term associated with conflict is “management.” Don’t do it! Managing conflict can be almost as unproductive as ignoring it. Surprised? Learn more: To give you a small taste of the Conflict and Change aspect of the Spiral...
by karen | blog |
As our world continues to change I hope you are well! Here is what I’ve been thinking about…. The initial distance between people often determines the outcome of a martial arts interaction. In Aikido, we call it “proper distance” or “ma-ai.” Proper distance feels...
by karen | blog |
Ever try to have a civil conversation with a person that has a different point of view and it turns into an argument or uglier? Do you know people you’d like to connect with around sensitive topics but you’re not sure quite how? Please Join Me, Karen...