Spiral Daily 234

How will you unplug and recharge this weekend? This is a busy time of year. How do you stay on top of your game emotionally, physically and spiritually? The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence –...

Spiral Daily 232

What sounds bring you centered energy? How could you bring those sounds more into your life? The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence – Spiral Daily poses one question each work day. If you’d...

Spiral Daily 222

What brings you joy? When fear creeps in – pivot your focus to joy.  Your focus is one thing you can control. The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence – Spiral Daily poses one question each...

The One-Minute Bubble Pause

When do you make time during the day to pause? [vimeo]https://vimeo.com/144905446[/vimeo] Can you take a break for one minute to center and dream?! Unplugging opens the creative part of your mind for great ideas. What do those bubbles represent to you? Perhaps a...

Spiral Daily 213

What if your attention, focus, was as precious as the money in your bank account? Would you be as vigilant as to how it is spent? I believe so. There is so much competition for your attention, a strong center and a solid plan are your best defense! Interesting NYTimes...

Spiral Daily 212

What is your gut telling you? Your gut is usually right. The trick is to slow down enough to listen! The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence – Spiral Daily poses one question each work day. If...