Spiral Daily 168

What can you appreciate about a situation or person who irritates you? If you focus on the irritation, the irritation grows.  If you focus on the what you can appreciate, that grows.   I know it can be difficult,  yet when resolving an issue focus on what is good or...

Spiral Daily 161

If you hold a strong position on something, what about exploring it deeper? It seems everyone has a megaphone today. I’ve noticed on several topics I get pulled to believe one side by listening to the surface conversation. As I spiral in deeper, by researching...

Spiral Daily 146

How well do people follow your requests?  If you find people don’t follow your requests you are likely delivering the orders like a hammer! If you find yourself continually repeating a request…go back to the basics with Spiral Impact! Orders work in the...

Spiral Daily 143

What point of views do you assume those close to you hold? They may not be the same as yours. I was very surprised recently to learn one of my contemporaries thought very differently about a topic than I assumed. Challenge to you: Pick a topic and ask someone close to...

Spiral Daily 132

The best questions beg an answer, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence. When have a conflict where do you feel the tension in your body? Recognizing a physical trigger is key to resolving conflict before taking regretful actions. Notice the...