by karen | blog, centering, change, conflict, intention |
As I learned I was the odd man out on a significant decision my emotions instantly elevated. Even my best ‘centering’ skills eluded me. Frenetic emotional energy is rarely helpful. Although, pretending the decision doesn’t matter is a bit like...
by karen | blog, conflict, performance improvement |
I’ve been blessed to have ‘moments’ that shift my life in a significant good way. I feel slightly embarrassed to admit…one of those moments was triggered by the television show The Good Wife. Tuning into the drama regularly was a way for me to unplug from my world...
by karen | blog, centering, conflict, Spiral Daily, Spiral Impact |
A simple typo of ‘north’ instead of ‘south’ in the directions set me up to be late to a meeting. As a stickler for punctuality, I could feel my heart begin to pound while my mind raced thinking of how to explain my tardiness. Enter Spiral...
by karen | blog, change, conflict |
I sighed with relief as I settled into my seat on the airplane. Next to me was a bright-eyed young man eager to talk. Both of us had just navigated icy roads, canceled, and then delayed flights. He was on his second day of hassle…I was just on my first day....
by karen | blog, conflict, Leadership |
Truth is stranger than fiction, which came to mind when I read Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton. If you didn’t know the story was true you’d enjoy it as great fiction. I was drawn to this book from an innovation/organizational development perspective and as a minor...
by karen | blog, conflict, Spiral Impact |
Spirals are powerful. Mother Nature has reminded us recently in a pretty big way. While our language is full of negative images about spirals (spiral out of control, downward spiral), a spiral is just power, you decide the direction or application through intention....