Have a ‘owl of a Holiday!

Have a ‘owl of a Holiday!

Nature around me has inspired my annual holiday annual poem. Through the window at my workspace, A huge owl swooped by with such grace. She perched on a tree Where I could comfortably see. She seemed to be saying, relax. There are many who have your back. You just...

Spiral Daily 242

What fun moment do you remember? And, another and another? Shifting your thought to fun memories can actual change your present experience. It’s that time of year, fun is good! Make some more fun memories! The best questions foster understanding, spark...

Spiral Daily 231

What message do to you send through your actions? How are you modeling behavior you desire to see in others? Your values are expressed through your actions, not through your words. What is the message you send about what is important to you?   Develop Power with...

Spiral Daily 228

What will you say YES to this holiday season? I often hear what people aren’t going to do over the holidays. The brain doesn’t understand ‘no’ or ‘not’, you will meet more success when you focus on what you want than what you...

Spiral Daily 226

As we speed toward the holiday season, what is your intention? For many people, the holiday season is packed with emotion, activity, excess or loneliness. Decide what is the most important focal point to you, stick to it! I will be exploring this topic on Periscope...

Spiral Daily 225

What small thing can you do daily that contributes to moving you toward a dream? I’ve a dream of spreading the message of Spiral Impact. These daily e-mails have helped me stay in a rhythm toward that goal. Small but not insignificant. One step at a time! What...