Spiral Daily 145

In what way does your environment impact your performance? Everyone has different needs when it comes to their environment for optimal performance. How is yours for you? Any changes you can make? Something as simple as the sun blaring in your eyes can be very...

Spiral Daily 142

What was the last ‘whole’ book you read? I read a lot of short stuff online. While traveling recently, I read two non-fiction business related books from beginning to end, and began the 8th in a series of fiction. It reminds me how valuable it is to sink...

Spiral Daily

When you receive tough feedback, how do you best process it? Unfortunately, there are few people who are willing and good at giving valuable feedback. When you receive feedback are you able to center and consider the value of it? Consider your intent around the...

Spiral Daily

What’s the most forgotten best practice when giving feedback? Asking good open-ended questions so you know the truth and the person’s perspective and experience first. The best feedback is guiding a person through self-inquiry where they can come to their...

Spiral Daily 101

The best questions beg an answer, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence. What do you expect for this day? I love the quote from Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” I believe this...