Spiral Question

When do contrasting opinions create positive momentum? When there is: mutual respect a shared vision or intention the desire for positive outcome takes priority over being ‘right’ centered emotionally intelligent people What will you add?      ...

Spiral Question

What is in your blindspot? As so named a ‘blind’ spot isn’t seen by you. Do you care?  If so, who is willing to point that blind spot out to you? Will you listen? How could this benefit you? Trusted advisors are gold for help with blind spots –...

Spiral Question

What will you be celebrating this Friday? Being clear about intention pulls you forward with more ease. Imagine Friday end of day – what will you be feeling good about that you created or changed this week? What does it feel like?  Who are you celebrating with?...

Spiral Question

What do you miss when you hurry? Hurrying causes you to miss things. While not the end of the world if I missed this flower, what if you missed: Hearing an important message from a colleague A warning sign for impending problems The smile of a loved one Appreciation...

Spiral Question

What is your intention for the next words you speak, write, or think?   Considering your intent before you speak is one of the best ways to: Avoid unintended destructive conflict Clarify your communication Increase understanding for the receiver Even better state...

Spiral Question

How do you get out of your fishbowl? Even if your fishbowl is fabulous, it gives you limited perspective to grow or appreciate what you have. What if you went to visit other departments, companies, teams, or even neighborhoods? What if you really listened and...