Spiral Question

How is your internal state reflected in your external circumstances? The more centered I am, the more centered my external experience. When I feel out of balance the world seems way out of balance. As within so outside. The world is a mirror. What are you doing to...

Spiral Question

What if your attention, focus, was as precious as the money in your bank account? Would you be as vigilant as to how it is spent? I believe so. There is so much competition for your attention, a strong center and a solid plan are your best defense! Just as the stock...

Spiral Question

What are you under the influence of? Right now what is influencing your actions and feelings? Worry-Fear Perfection The last critical comment someone made What you think someone else is thinking or judging Your past Too much sugar or achohol Someone else’s...

Spiral Question

What do the words ‘unexpected wait’ conjure up for you?   The choice is always yours. You are where you are and sometimes that is beyond your control. You could: Worry Be angry and blaming Use the time to read or write Look about you and explore the place and...

Spiral Daily

What sounds center you? When you pause and listen, what do you hear? Do the sounds bring you a feeling of center or anxiety? All sounds impact me in some way. Did you know Pathogoras the ancient “Father of Mathematics” was also a musician? It is noted that...

Spiral Question

What attitudes are you practicing? Just like learning to play a musical instrument, when we practice attitudes we experience the corresponding emotions. That can work both positive and negative. Sound strange? I am practicing gratitude and curiosity. As a result I am...