Who are ‘They’?

‘They’ are getting a bad rap! Notice how often people refer to ‘they’ as negative or different. Spiral Impact can get us to ‘we’ if you desire! Let’s talk about it!   Develop Power with Grace.  Asking thoughtful questions is one aspect. The best questions foster...

Spiral Question

When you see things at a glance what judgments do you make? (Or when you hear a sound bite or read a headline.) I rarely enter my home through the front door. When I saw this yellow bag I concluded it contained telephone books. That was based upon my past experience....

Spiral Question

How can you get a different perspective? Make a change in your routine Talk through a challenge with someone who knows nothing about the situation Get out in nature Unplug from electronics for 24 hours Watch a movie in the middle of the day Take a class in something...

Spiral Question

Why does it matter how you view your ‘labor’? In honor of Labor Day celebrated in the US, I share this parable of the three stonemasons. Each mason was doing the same ‘labor’ yet experienced it quite differently! “An old story tells of a...

Spiral Question

What if everything you encounter today is the doorway to your greatest joy? At minimum something NOT wanted causes you to know what you DO want. Knowing what you want is a gift. What if your focus was on looking for the gift and the beauty?   Develop Power with...

Spiral Question

What do you do when you are annoyed by someone else’s behavior? I find a common thing to do is assume the other is intending to do something annoying. Then be passive-aggressive and feel resentment. All the while thinking they should know better! Yes, I catch...