Spiral Question

What if, today your life was a clean slate? Each day is indeed a clean slate, if we look at it that way. The smallest shifts can be profound Consider a new: Route to an everyday destination Attitude Food Time to center Question to ask yourself or another An...

Spiral Question

Without ebb there is no flow. How do you allow ebb into your life? Our modern world seems to demand constant performance.  But without the ebb, the flow peters out.   Fighting the ebb is futile.  Embrace it.  Plan it.  Performance requires taking a break at least...

Spiral Question

How do you want to be remembered? How are you doing with creating that in your life? This is a good way to adjust your priorities! How will you be remembered? On a personal scale you may have heard me say I want to remembered as a good listener. I am a much better...

Spiral Question

What if, you truly understood another person’s experience? A small rotation of that ball reveals an entirely different experience of the sea! If you choose to truly seek understanding of another person’s experience you raise the other person’s value...

Spiral Question

How do you bring out the best in the people who matter the most to you? Is it working?Remember to Spiral in! Know what their aspirations/goals are; when giving input relate it to their aspirations and goals. Ask questions to engage their thinking process. Ask for...

Spiral Question

What types of seeds are you sowing in your communication? Words, gestures, eye contact and even movement all are types of seeds you plant. Sometimes we can be as random as a dandelion seed blowing in the wind! Even the lack of words, gestures, eye contact, and...