Spiral Question

What does this gallon jug have to do with your energy? Imagine breathing in a gallon of air with each breath – this keeps you oxygenated and energized. Difficult? Like anything it takes conscious practice. Try practicing misogi breathing as described on page 68 in...

Spiral Question

Who have you not talked to for a while that you could reach out to today? Surprise someone with an actual phone call or handwritten note! Maintaining connections has rich dividends and is an essential part of a support system.   Develop Power with Grace.  Asking...

Spiral Question

What is the difference between nice and sincere? It matters because ‘nice’ may set up destructive conflict.   Nice tends to hide an unspoken lie. Sincerity is honesty tempered with kindness. How to be sincere?  Use Spiral Impact principles: Think...

Spiral Question

What is one of the greatest predictors of survival? A landmark study published in 2010 involving more than 300,000 participants found that social support was a stronger predictor of survival than: physical activity, body mass index, hypertension, air pollution,...

Spiral Question

What do you assume when you are waiting?   When we don’t know it is easy to fill in with the worst possible scenerio. Instead: Assume positive intent Make it a time to practice breathing and centering Worry over something not yet known is a waste of energy...

Spiral Question

What successes will you be celebrating this Friday? Begin with the end of the week in mind. Let your imagination pull you forward, make it rich, hear yourself sharing the news with someone important to you. How does it feel in your body, where is the celebration?...