by karen | Spiral Daily |
What happens when you find something to appreciate in a bad situation? What insight could this broken finger possibly provide? It is easy to give all our attention on what is wrong or hurts. Get your momentum moving by appreciating you have four other digits and...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
When I say ‘diversity’ what pops into your mind? I am just off the aikido (martial art) mat, where I study relationship, connection and my response to variety of people. I find it absolutely fascinating. A visual snapshot of the group doesn’t reveal all that much...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How do you stay aligned with your values hour-by-hour during the day? Be Awesome! Having a personal intention based on values makes it easier! Mine is, ‘Am I honoring myself and others?’ Your values are reflected in your actions and presence. The signs you hang...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How often do you say ‘but’ or ‘however?’ Instead remember: ‘And’ is a terrific conjunction. It honors and expands the conversation. Think sit on butt and extend a hand. And, a bird in hand is a good thing, right? Try it! Let me know how it goes! Develop...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What if your first response to input was “Yes, And…”? Why is this important for leaders and teams? “Yes” encourages engagement and a continuation of exploring solutions. “And” keeps the conversation going. This rule is what...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What is the next logical step for you to expand your skills and talents? Tonight is my first Improv Comedy Class! While my friends may say I am getting out of my comfort zone – that’s not true. It is a next logical step for me to further develop my skills...