Spiral Question

What inspires you? Inspiration is something that comes naturally to you – it is from the roots ‘breathe into’. When you are inspired your work is meaningful and doesn’t feel like work.  Contrast that with motivate – motivate requires you...
Thanksgiving Spiral Question

Thanksgiving Spiral Question

I hope this finds all well for you and yours! Here is what is on my mind today as we head into Thanksgiving weekend!   Asking opened-ended questions and being clear on intent set you up for success by consciously directing your mind and actions. For...

Spiral Question

How well do you receive appreciation? A client recently mentioned to me that nobody appreciated all that he did. Then, I was in a situation with him and a co-worker in which the co-worker went on and on about how much he appreciated all my client did. My client sat...

Spiral Question

What deserves your focus? The world is a busy place and its busyness has access to you! Do the things in your focus on give you life or deplete you? Centering is a great tool to maintain focus and practice being fully present with what matters to you. Let everything...

Spiral Question

What do you expect? Our expectations illuminate our experience. Make a choice to expect joy and learning and watch it color your experience with delight.     Develop Power with Grace.  Asking thoughtful questions is one aspect. The best questions foster...

Spiral Question

What lights your fire? There is a very big difference between inspiration and motivation. Inspiration is what makes you breathe! Motivation takes effort. Inspiration is natural for you. What inspires you in your current situation? When you feel like you are struggling...