Spiral Question for Halloween

What scares you? I love this Spiral Eyed Pumpkin. I’ll tell you what scares me…an excellent Judo teacher. Our Dojo is now offering really good Judo instruction in addition to Aikido Frankly, I am not interested in Judo…it is very close contact and on...

Spiral Question

What would you trade for the ability to be calm and centered? Just like Geico 15 minutes a day can save you stress, burnout, and relationships. In those 15 minutes – consciously breathe into your belly and practice centering/meditation. Then, as you feel the...

Spiral Question

Are you a fisher or a fooler? I grew up in a fishing family.  My father use to ask us this question regularly. His real question was, “Are you committed to fish or are you just playing?” I think about this question a lot, you see fish seem to sense...

Spiral Question

 What three gifts might you receive from your adversary? While most people prefer to get rid of adversaries, there are hidden gifts if you choose to receive them! Expanded knowledge and perspective Adversaries inherently have a different perspective about a situation....

Spiral Question

 What is on the other side of fear? All the best things in life. Will Smith’s two minute video is worth a watch!       Develop Power with Grace.  Asking thoughtful questions is one aspect. The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation,...

Spiral Question

What if you listened rather than talked today? For me listening provides relief and connection. It is a simple tool to learn and acknowledge others. Try just listening today, if you talk make it asking a question and/or acknowledging. ‘Tell me more’ and...