Spiral Daily Intention #5

What part does intention play in creating power with grace? Key 5 of  5 What is your deeper personal purpose based intention? When you get caught in the sea of confusion/conflict/change connecting with clear deeper purpose or personal mantra keeps you afloat! My...

Spiral Daily Intention #2

What part does intention play in creating power with grace? Key 2 of 5  Intention gives you easy words to navigate distractions and interruptions. For example: “Right now I am focused on <insert>, when is another time?” “That is important, let...

Spiral Question

What part does intention play in creating power with grace? One of five State your intention first thing when you begin a conversation. It sets the table cleanly for what is to follow. For example: It’s important for me to make sure we’ve got this client...

Spiral Question

What part does intention play in creating power with grace? 4 of 5 Before you speak, think through the intention of what you are about to say. This adds power to your words as your message in relevant and intentional. Many times when I think about my intention before...

Spiral Question Intention #3

What part does intention play in creating power with grace? Key 3 of 5 Intention cuts through the fog and muck and keeps you on track. At the beginning of each week I like to establish the 3 most important things to accomplish. Write them down somewhere that...

Spiral Daily

How do you out smart willpower, when it comes to food? According to Brian Wansink’s research we make about 200 unconscious decisions a day about food. Many have to do with the environment. consider you eat less with: Smaller plates  Quieter environments  Dishes...