by karen | intention, Spiral Daily |
What are the three most important things for you to do this week? What do rocks, sand, and a jar have to do with it? Perhaps you’ve seen this analogy before. Life is a jar, rocks are the most important things, and sand is the little ‘stuff’. If you...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How long are your minutes? Time is relative. It is relative to your state of being. Explore this: Set a timer for 60 seconds, get centered and notice how long it seems before the timer sounds Do the same when you are in a hurry, notice how fast time passes. Need more...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How do you transform frustration? A good question to ask yourself when you are frustrated, or anyother negative emotion, is, “What is my fear behind my frustration?” If you can communicate and understand your fear it puts you in a position of problem solving rather...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How large is the ripple effect of your actions and words? What if, the words you speak were broadcast to the world? In a sense they are because words are vibration and you never know where and when they will bounce back. Have you consider the impact of an action on...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
If you hold a strong position on a topic, what would happen if you explored it deeper? It seems everyone has a megaphone today. I’ve noticed on several topics I get pulled to believe one side by listening to the surface conversation. As I spiral in deeper, by...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What causes you to pause and reflect on what is important? Is there a built in pause to your day that causes you a time for reflection? I love this story…while ‘Taps’ may not be your pause, what is? Click on the photo to view. What can you create in...