Spiral Daily

What is going on? This is a great question to ask in place of “How are you?” From the book Humble Inquiry, we are culturally programmed to answer “How are you?” with, “Fine.” This tells us nothing about the person. Instead...

Spiral Daily

How much water do you drink in a day? Did you know as little as 3% dehydration can decrease 10% of your muscle strength and 8% of its speed? Often when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty. Chronic dehydration also impacts organ health and skin wrinkles! Drink...

Spiral Daily

What happens when you multi-task? [vimeo]https://vimeo.com/205566717[/vimeo] Presence is supremely important if you are making a sword cut. This aikido exercise is called the eight directions… perhaps your life is 32 directions!  The same is true: be the master...

Spiral Daily

How do you open the door to be heard? [vimeo]https://vimeo.com/144913677https://vimeo.com/144913677[/vimeo] Hope you enjoy this imagery! Opening the door includes: Making sure the time is still good – ask! Asking open ended questions first before launching in to...

Spiral Daily

What three accomplishments will you be celebrating on Friday? Beginning with clear and managable intent at the beginning of the week powerfully pulls you forward. Can you imagine how you will celebrate? How does that feel? Spiral Daily provides a question of the...

Spiral Daily

Be Power & Grace How does your internal state reflect your external circumstances? The more I observe the more I realize the more centered I am – the more centered my external experience. When I feel out of balance the world seems way out of balance. As...