by karen | Spiral Daily |
How are you moving toward what matters to you? I think he said it well… Spiral Daily provides a question of the day because thoughtful questions stimulate innovation, dissolve distructive conflict, and aligns you with what is important to you. If you’d...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
How do you avoid destructive conflict with your email? Fast Company Published a very good article about handling email differently by Zach Hanlon A Quick Summary: have only these five e- mail folders: Inbox – temporary holding place until filed in...
by karen | questions, Spiral Daily |
What questions are you asking? Voltaire wrote that we should judge a man by his questions, and not his answers. Bring your questions down to earth and ask! This is a prominent element to Spiral Impact! As a white person in summer 2020 questions are particularly...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What do you appreciate about the people you live or work with? Have you told them recently? Acknowledging what is good about another is a priceless gift to him or her. Be specific. And, it is a gift to you too, as sometimes, if we feel annoyed, it is a great...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What matters most to you? My first Spiral Daily of 2017! Days melt into weeks, which then, melt into years. What is important to you? Do you schedule time on your calendar and make it happen even if bit-by-bit? Make sure the sun doesn’t set without some...
by karen | Spiral Daily |
What kind of movement or exercise will you do this weekend? Most of you reading this, are in the winter and a cold one at that! Lack of physical movement combined with a lot of Holiday cheer is a recipe for stress. How will you move this weekend!? Plan it just like...