Spiral Question

What are you carrying around that you could hand off to someone else or eliminate? Sure maybe you are great at balancing a lot of things… yet consider What do carry that doesn’t serve your greatest intention? What is the price you pay in energy and joy?...

Spiral Daily

Where is your center place? Center place is where you experience the feeling of calm, confidence and possibility. Where or when have you felt that in your life? Create a mental picture, feeling, or sound – and transport yourself pack there in a moment. Your...

Spiral Daily

When a task seems impossible, what do you do? When there seems to be no end to a task it is time to: Find your center place and be in joy of the moment or If that doesn’t work, re-evaluate your intention  What is it you are doing this for?  And, is it still...

Spiral Question

How do you best dive back in when you’ve taken time off? While I am tempted to rush back in, taking care to do to my regular routine helps me with focus. Also, acknowledging to myself it takes a little time to get back to full speed and Adjusting back to...

Spiral Daily

What is most important to you this holiday weekend?   Having a clear intent sets you up for success. The intent doesn’t matter as long as it is yours. Holidays can be charged with past or imagined expectations. Make sure if you want quiet, go for quiet. If you...

Raising Value

What is the simplest way to raise value? Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash Her posture instantly straightened and she smiled when she heard the words, “I admire how you took charge and handled all those details.” She was doing her job; I...