I sighed with relief as I settled into my seat on the airplane. Next to me was a bright-eyed young man eager to talk. Both of us had just navigated icy roads, canceled, and then delayed flights. He was on his second day of hassle…I was just on my first day.
He was a Marine in training attempting to get back to camp in California.
‘Embrace the su_k,’ he shared, was a Marine mantra.
Marines purposely get sent into difficult situations. I couldn’t help but notice the similarity with Spiral Impact’s premise ’embrace conflict’.
My trip continued to be ‘one of those trips’ filled with change and ‘su_k‘ as my Marine friend would have called it. I Spiral Impacted along the way: staying centered, asking questions and problem solving. With each new challenge I smiled thinking of my young Marine friend and how what I was doing was nothing compared to his path.
Accepting you are where you are is often the key to seeing an opening for a more pleasant experience.
Warm regards
Karen, as always, thanks for the right words at the right time! I’m excited to see you are making your skills available for one on one coaching. You are an outstanding coach because you hear what is not being said, you ask the thought provoking questions, and help turn challenges into opportunities.