Welcome to my guest blogger, David Harding, CEO of HardingPoorman Group…

In my 20+ years as a manager and business owner, I’ve found that very few leaders do a good job of sharing their vision for their organization.

A few years back, I was standing in front of a large white board in our conference room, setting out the vision I had for the re-structuring of our organization. One of the employees listening suggested I share this with the whole company.

“Great idea!” I said, as thanked the employee, while internally smacking my forehead, wondering why I hadn’t thought of that.

I followed up this “Ah-hah!” moment by meeting in small groups to include every employee in the building. After sharing my vision, the mood of the company palpably brightened. No longer fearful of the changes going on around them, they now understood the positive nature of the restructuring, and how it would help the company (and their jobs) succeed in the future.

From that point forward, I shared my vision with every new hire, too. What an incredibly valuable way to get to know each employee, and start our relationship off in the best possible way.

The lesson was a striking one for me. When employees know where the company is headed, they will be better able to make the right decisions to help get you there. Fear and lack of understanding create uncertainty and rumors.

Why not share your vision every chance you get?

Visit David at https://ShareBestPracticesBlog.com