What if today, your priority was to more deeply understand something that is other than you’d like?
So many times, we come to conclusions based our own assumptions and miss deeper knowledge. What open-ended questions can you ask to learn more?
The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence – Spiral Daily poses one question each work day.
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I smile at some of these spiral thoughts because they bring me to reunion with the day I had the revelation to shift my thinking. Regarding this Spiral question; I learned that having a deeper understanding of “Other than I like” is a place where I learn from. Having a better understanding not only results in better resolve but it also enhances relationships. My metaphor is, It’s kind of like never going into a secret room. One day I heard a sound coming from the wall. I scraped off the plaster and found a door. There, was a room of information. My rejection of understanding had always been clouded by my ultra-ego. Although ego is good fuel for passion and desire, Ultra-Ego falsely protects my insecurity. Meaning, I don’t want to admit to my insecurities so I won’t try to understand “Something that is other than I’d like”. I guess that is denial. It’s all so crazy because I missed out on so m any possibilities. I missed out on better resolve and relationships. I was lost and continue to be found. The trick here as Abraham Hicks says is, you have to first be receptive to the possibilities.
There is a wealth of possibilities if we only try to more deeply understand other than I’d like.
John, Wow! I love the visual of scraping off the plaster and finding a door. At the time, what did that mean to you?!
I compare the first discovery to tasting ice-cream for the first time.
Then the feeling of collaboration rather than adversarial was invoked. It the discovery of new possibilities. Kind of like your spiral inspiration.