Common Threats to Common Gound

Jonathon Haidt's Ted Talk 'Common Threats Can Make Common Ground' I found very insightful. He uses the analogy of astroids headed for earth and shares historical data to show polarization trends in our country over time. I've watched this talk 3 times and will watch...

Whoops, too late!

I pushed  'enter' and in a few minutes my computer software updated. Whoops! This rendered my computer obsolete, an unintended consequence that took many hours to fix. I had researched the software in terms of my own computer performance. The question I didn’t ask...

Monday morning!

Dear Colleagues, It's now Monday morning. Imagine it is Friday, the week has unfolded perfectly for you and you are telling a friend. In vivid detail what do you say? Even better tell me! Intention is powerful. Be specific.

Rethinking Comfort Zones

Getting out of your comfort zone is common advise for increasing success. Watching the Olympics made me rethink this premise. My conclusion: Olympic Gold is achieved by being solid in your comfort zone and is fueled by a clear intent. Being out of your comfort zone...

Lost in Words?

It took all my attention to follow the conversation - like walking through a maze with many wrong turns - there were so many words I was lost as to the point. Have you ever been surprised when someone obviously didn't understand your communication and you thought you...

Get Measurable Results

Enterprise-wide results that make a measurable difference in how your teams engage.

Karen Valencic

Martial artist. Engineer. Best-selling author. Sought-after consultant.