Team Development and ‘MoneyBall’

I just expected entertainment.  What I got was a great story about business acumen, conflict resolution and team building from the baseball movie, Moneyball. So often in decision-making, emotions and history cloud the facts hiding the real problem.  Brad Pitt plays...

Spiral Question

When do you need to replace 'No' and 'Know?' ‘No’ stops: Innovation Relationships Engagement ‘Know’ opens possibilities and solutions. Don't you want to 'know' about your colleagues, employees, friends, and family thoughts and feelings? Next time you catch yourself...

Team devleopment: Does your ‘lens’ fool you?

The warm weather lifted my heart this morning.   I saw a magnolia tree heavy with blossoms ready to pop.  March 8 is certainly a record early bloom! Fooled – the early morning pink light colored a bunch of dead leaves on a tree.  No blossoms. My mental/emotional state...

What is your white fence?

A lovely white decorative fence graces a curve near my home. At least twice a year a car misses the curve and crashes the fence.  For 30 years, I’ve witnessed the repeated repair of this fence. With each incident, I think surely they get the message:  not a good place...

Create Some Holiday Magic!

'Imagination is the True Magic Carpet.' Norman Vincent Peale Wishing you a holiday filled with magic and dreams come true.... Whether you gather with friends and family, or spend  time alone this holiday season, create some magic by sparking your imagination.  Here...

Steve Jobs, Conflict and Innovation

This rainy cold weekend was a perfect time to finish reading Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson.   Innovation through conflict is at the core of my work.  Steve, a genius innovator, intrigues me.  Although, it is worth noting, he often lacked the ‘grace’ I advocate. As I...

Gratitude or anger?

It is impossible to feel gratitude and anger at the same time.    Have a conflict?  Look for the gift in it.  To find the gift you must look beyond the ‘issue.’  Look for what you fear; there are only two true emotions:  love and fear. When you explore the fear there...

Is Listening Enough?

Just because you listen, do you really understand? I listened and heard clearly: “She is a bully.”  I thought she must intentionally hurt people. I was wrong. When I spiraled and asked, “What is she doing to earn that reputation?” I learned, she is asking people to...

Get Measurable Results

Enterprise-wide results that make a measurable difference in how your teams engage.

Karen Valencic

Martial artist. Engineer. Best-selling author. Sought-after consultant.