Ahh…Yes! The Best and Only Assumption to Make
The best and only assumption you can make is: You don’t really understand other people, even if you think you know them well. This applies to other races, cultures, genders, and big time to the people closest to you. Any other assumption you make is likely...

Ahhh…Yes! What Controls You?
“Please control me,” said no one, ever. Major disruption magnifies the feeling of being controlled, as it seems the outer world also wants to control, or consume, us. Anything that has been an annoyance in ‘normal’ times is amplified. Can you relate to any of...

Puzzle Pieces Everywhere!
I hope you and loved ones are well. Here is what's on my mind lately... Imagine: puzzle pieces falling everywhere when a jigsaw puzzle is thrown into the air. That is an image that comes to my mind when major disruption happens. Pieces get lost. Past efforts...

Spirals are powerful – direct yours
Uncertainty and volatility trigger me to deepen my practice of Spiral Impact concepts rather than succumb to fear and anxiety. March 17, 2020 was the launch day of the Black Belt Edition of Spiral Impact. This original post was written prior to the impact of the...

Ahh-Yes! Too Many Stories, Oh My…
When I was young, I dreamt of being a singer. However, I told myself a story for years that when I sang, people left the room to escape my squeaky voice. Discouraged, I chose a very different path of study, engineering. I eventually found my voice of expression...

Courageous, Crazy or Curious? Your Choice for the Holidays
Adding heat to a tinderbox, even a little bit, ignites a huge raging fire. As the holidays approach, this bears consideration as we gather with people who may have polar opposite viewpoints in our divided country. I’ve found myself wondering whether it is courageous...
Ahh…Yes! Did you see this through the noise?
What I've been thinking about lately… Simone Biles' recent unparalleled performance in gymnastics caused me great pause, how she balances on a narrow beam, flips multiple times in the air, glides from high to low bars, and jumps with style over a horse then…lands on...

Ahh….Yes! Turning a hot mess to a cool breeze
“Problems cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them”, is attributed to Einstein over 75 years ago. This still holds true, particularly in challenging communications. Many people address conflict at the level it was created by rehashing and building...

Ahh…Yes! What the fit?
Good fit in our work, relationships, and, yes, shoes - brings energy and joy into our lives! I recently bought a new pair of shoes. They were very snug, the salesman assured me they would stretch because of the material. I was a little skeptical, but I bought them...

Ahh…Yes! Communication in a Pothole!
It’s that time of year again when dodging potholes becomes a sport here in Indy - another aspect of ‘March Madness.’ In my little Mini Cooper hitting a pothole really shakes me up! Hitting a communication ‘pothole’ can also shake a person up. Potholes are voids...

A Centered Holiday? Ahh Yes! Four tips
The meaning and experience of the holidays varies widely for everyone. Expectations may conflict with our actual experience. For me personally, I approach the season the same as I would any event, athletic or professional, and prepare myself. In true “Spiral...

Rick Needs an Egg Count – You In?
Momentum at the Intersection of Change – Innovation – Conflict Do you and your team ever feel: Overwhelmed by the rapid pace of change? Frustrated with trying to getting agreement and alignment? Insecure with uncertainty? Lost about what to do next? It’s not...