Ahhh…Yes! Ask, Understand, and Adjust
Randomly across industries I've been surveying leaders about momentum. Just like you, I need to understand what is going on in the groups I serve - ask, understand and adjust if needed. Here I share two of the questions and the answers I received. Digging deeper here...

The Five Conflict Desires or Habits

Special Event – Nov 30 – Breakfast and Momentum!
Momentum at the Intersection of Change – Innovation – Conflict Do you and your team ever feel: Overwhelmed by the rapid pace of change? Frustrated with trying to getting agreement and alignment? Insecure with uncertainty? Lost about what to do next? It’s not...

Ahh…Yes! Behavior Drowns Viewpoint
Fascinating times. Very reflective for me. I am curious: If SNL did a parody* about you, could you smile (or even laugh) or would you condemn? When I observe the news and even occasionally my own responses to disagreement, for me, it begs these two questions, “Did I...

Ahh – Yes! Focus your energy – like a newer car!
Freedom of acceleration, maximum control and maneuverability kept me at the wheel of my little sports car for 14 years. I felt resistance to the newer cars that seemed to want to take control away from me. But the time came and I succumbed to a newer model. Well, it...

Three Misconceptions about Power
I recently took another black belt test in Aikido. With 28 years of practice under my belt I found this one to be quite fun! This was also a time of reflection about what continues to motivate my practice. I hope this reflection will be valuable to you. As our...

Ahh…Yes! It didn’t have to end this way. How Mastering Conflict could have helped
I expected a peaceful hike in the forest. While that was mostly what I got - I also witnessed a pretty interesting conflict, which ended with a young school teacher in tears and a politician creating a defensive wall. I enjoy studying conflict as it is my field of...

Solve Your Resource Issues: Rise Up!
“I have too many resources!” said no one, ever. In fact, my leadership survey revealed that resource strain is the #2 drag on forward momentum for most teams. Interestingly, the origin of the word resource holds the key to a solution. At its root, resource means “rise...

Force versus Power
How you choose between using force vs. using power impacts every interaction you have — even if you’re interacting only with yourself. Do you know what that difference is? Believe it or not, the answer is based in physics.
Watch now.

Ahh Yes! On a dark street in Boston
During these times...this feels right to share again. Those of you who have experienced Spiral Impact know I am a long time student of the martial art, aikido. Spiral Impact, a collaboration/mastering conflict method, is grounded in aikido principles. Fequentlly I am...
Power and Force – Distinction
[vimeo]https://vimeo.com/259049773[/vimeo] Transcript: Have you ever considered the distinction between power and force and how your choice of which to use impacts your interactions with yourself or others? I have spent a couple-three decades exploring this...

Ahh…Yes! Stick the landing
I love the Olympics. What a great time to turn our attention to elite performance and the World coming together for good! Flawlessly adjusting to rapidly changing circumstances is the hallmark of champions. Athletic performance is an in-your-face visual representation...